I don't know what to want from this world.
Zadziwia mnie łatwość z jaką poddałam się zmianom. Zamianie mapy papierowej na gpsa, dostanego w prezencie zamiast goździka czy pończoch, łateweee jak mawia Brownie. Łatwość w przestawieniu się na inne miasto, inny klub i koncert który miał być we Wro, ale był w Waw. Łatwość w przyzwyczajeniu do tego, że mam prawo do głupoty, nieogarnięcia i bycia zakrętem (usłyszał kto kiedy bardziej pieszczotliwe i czułe określenie niż "Mój ty zakręciku"?! No?!). Łatwość w oddaniu pola decyzyjnego i w odklejeniu się od (pozornej wszak) pewności i własności nieruchomości.
Nie wiedziałam, że jestem aż tak elastyczna, plastyczna i gotowa na zmiany.
Nie jestem księżycem, mam i drugą stronę. Boli płytkość korporacji. Boli brak kogoś, do kogo w pół godziny można wpaść na kawę i zastać go w piżamie, samej będąc w polarze i dresie. Sturbucks i nawet moje ulubione Coffee Heaven to tylko blichtr, erzac, namiastka, gdzie ciepła jest tylko kawa, a spojrzenia i uśmiechy - nie. Uprzejme, biznesowe, otwarte - a jakże. A mnie marznie dusza.
Ogrzewa ją muzyka.
Jest taka kobieta, która od 25 lat mnie zachwyca. W '87 wiedziałam, że kiedyś będę miała taką fryzurę jak ona. Latorośl pamięta, jak z Królewną w brzuchu wzięłam maszynkę do strzyżenia. Tylko że moje oczy nie sa tak wielkie jak jej. I talent też nie do tego.
Patrzę teraz na nią, jak na obwolucie płyty patrzy spokojnie w dal. Nie wstydzi się zmarszczek, tego, że nie jest już wiotką trzciną. Nie wygląda na to, że żałuje swoich poszukiwań i pokręconych ścieżek. Przyznaje, że wciąż szuka. Muzyka brzmi świeżo, jak zawsze. Głos jedyny, nie do podrobienia, mocny i czysty. W tekstach mądrość i siła.
To wiedźma.
Druga taka to Annie Lennox.
I jeszcze, z innej beczki: ideał nie jest dla mnie określeniem równoznacznym z "pozbawiony skaz". Ideał ma taki zestaw wad, który świadomie kupuję.
Bez ideału można żyć. Ale ja nie chcę.
Nie napiszę, że cover bywa lepszy od oryginału... nudne to by było. A płyta po 14 przesłuchaniu - nie jest.
I wanted to change the world
But I could not even change my underwear
And when the shit got really really out of hand
I had it all the way up to my hairline
Which keeps receding like my self-confidence
As if I ever had any of that stuff anyway
I hope I didn't destroy your celebration
Or your Bar Mitzvah, birthday party or your Christmas
You put me in this cage and threw away the key
It was this 'us and them' shit that did me in
You tell me that my life is based upon a lie
I casually mention that I pissed in your coffee
I hope you know that all I want from you is sex
To be with someone that looks smashing in athletic wear
And if your haircut isn't right you'll be dismissed
Get your walking papers and you can leave now
Don't know what to want from this world
I really don't know what to want from this world
I don't know what it is you wouldn't want from me
You have no right to want anything from me at all
Why don't you take it out on somebody else?
Why don't you tell somebody else that they're selfish?
Weepy coward and pathetic ...
Who's gonna be the one to save me from myself?
You'd better bring a stun gun and perhaps a crowbar
You'd better pack a lunch and get up really early
And you should probably get down on your knees and pray
It's really fun to look embarrassed all the time
Like you could never cut the mustard with the big boys
I really don't know who the fuck you think you are
Can I please see your license and your registration?
Don't know what to want from this world
I really don't know what to want from this world
I don't know what it is you wouldn't want from me
You have no right to want anything from me at all
Why don't you take it out on somebody else?
Why don't you tell somebody else that they're selfish?
Weepy coward and pathetic ...
So Jesus hasn't come in here to pick you up
You'll still be sitting here ten years from now
You're just a sucker but we'll see who gets the last laugh
Who knows, maybe you'll be the next queen of Denmark
But I could not even change my underwear
And when the shit got really really out of hand
I had it all the way up to my hairline
Which keeps receding like my self-confidence
As if I ever had any of that stuff anyway
I hope I didn't destroy your celebration
Or your Bar Mitzvah, birthday party or your Christmas
You put me in this cage and threw away the key
It was this 'us and them' shit that did me in
You tell me that my life is based upon a lie
I casually mention that I pissed in your coffee
I hope you know that all I want from you is sex
To be with someone that looks smashing in athletic wear
And if your haircut isn't right you'll be dismissed
Get your walking papers and you can leave now
Don't know what to want from this world
I really don't know what to want from this world
I don't know what it is you wouldn't want from me
You have no right to want anything from me at all
Why don't you take it out on somebody else?
Why don't you tell somebody else that they're selfish?
Weepy coward and pathetic ...
Who's gonna be the one to save me from myself?
You'd better bring a stun gun and perhaps a crowbar
You'd better pack a lunch and get up really early
And you should probably get down on your knees and pray
It's really fun to look embarrassed all the time
Like you could never cut the mustard with the big boys
I really don't know who the fuck you think you are
Can I please see your license and your registration?
Don't know what to want from this world
I really don't know what to want from this world
I don't know what it is you wouldn't want from me
You have no right to want anything from me at all
Why don't you take it out on somebody else?
Why don't you tell somebody else that they're selfish?
Weepy coward and pathetic ...
So Jesus hasn't come in here to pick you up
You'll still be sitting here ten years from now
You're just a sucker but we'll see who gets the last laugh
Who knows, maybe you'll be the next queen of Denmark
Do mnie mozesz wpasc w desikach /lub nawet w pizamie :)
OdpowiedzUsuńMieszkam w Wilanowie. Lubie czytac Twoje mysli, czesto czuje to samo. Monika (m.osypowicz@gmail.com)